Strengthening internationalisation between European and Latin American universities


FORINT develops the internationalisation capabilities of Cuban and Panamanian universities and provides guidance in the definition of strategies.

Mentoring and training are provided to improve management skills. In addition, international points of contact are established, and inclusion in networks with significant EU members fosters closer cooperation with European counterparts.

The project encourages specific cooperation. Shared results and best practices encourage replication in other institutions in the region. The main activities of the FORINT project will be workshops developed by European universities that will be attended by representatives of Cuban and Panamanian universities.

The aim of the project is to support the internationalisation process of Cuban and Panamanian universities by:

dimensión internacional

Integrating the international dimension into the teaching, research, management and services of Cuban and Panamanian universities.

Creando capacidades

Building capacities in the six Cuban and two Panamanian institutions in order to facilitate their internationalisation.

Desarrollando vínculos

Developing links between the European Union, Cuba and Panama.

Fortaleciendo la capacidad de redes

Strengthening the capacity of networks of Cuban and Panamanian higher education institutions.

Proporcionando un acceso más fácil para las Instituciones

Providing easier access to European higher education institutions for Cuba and Panama (visibility, informational sessions at conferences, etc.).

This project aims to achieve the following results:

  • Support internationalisation of Cuban and Panamanian universities

  • Increase the international dimension in the teaching, research, management and services of Cuban and Panamanian universities

  • Facilitate operational cooperation between the Cuban and Panamanian universities and their European counterparts

  • Provide easier access to Cuba and Panama for the European Higher Education Institutions


Internacionalización en Cuba y Panamá: Experiencias del proyecto FORINT

+ 150 direct beneficiaries who attended

project’s related events


Self-assessment reports

prepared on the current status of internationalization in each participating HEI.


International conferences

attended with dedicated sessions on the Project.


Awareness-building events

organised in Latin American partner institutions to promote the project and disseminate its results.


Workshops and seminars

on internationalisation topics organised in Europe and Latin America.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
